In a world where there are ever more demands on our time and the pace is starting to feel like a toddler jacked up on 5 energy drinks, now more than ever is it crucial that you efficiently manage your time. Trying to remember everything...

I’m going to tell you a secret. As a person who has been in business for 20+ years, I hate business. Not because I don’t like doing it; I actually have a knack for it and enjoy doing the work. I hate business because of...

Let’s just be real about something here, business is not about what you want. It doesn’t care about your pains, dreams, your struggles, or your short comings. People get into business for many different reasons. Some want wealth, some want the challenge, and some want...

(Warning, this one is going to hurt, a lot.) One of the easiest ways to spot a a problem person with weak character is by seeing who is constantly blaming others. You can see it everywhere today, people blaming the rich, people blaming politicians, people...

One of the dumbest things you can do is argue with an idiot. It’s like choosing take time out of your day to smash your face against a brick wall. Nothing learned, nothing gained. One of my old mentors use to say, “Don’t play with...

It seems there is no other personality type that causes confusion and controversy as much as the INTJ. Logical, strategic, aloof. Often seen as either exceptionally intelligent or arrogant. Which ever you view the INTJ as, I want to give you a peek into the...

Few other things in life have been explored more than purpose and meaning, and they are still existential questions that humans seek today. Some are born with a purpose dictated by family or culture, some are provided direction by religion, and some have to search...