03 Nov ChatGPT and AI in Content Creation: When It Works and When It Fails
Everywhere you look, people are hyped about ChatGPT. It’s the shiny new thing, promising productivity boosts and the ability to do more with less. And hey, for some folks, it can help tackle a task or two.
But here’s the hard truth entrepreneurs, small business owners, and ambitious professionals need to hear: just because you can use ChatGPT, doesn’t mean you should. If your goal is to stand out, dominate your industry, and create above-average results, Chat GPT isn’t the magic bullet you’ve been waiting for.
Here’s the Deal with Chat GPT
Chat GPT is great at one thing—it spits out the average. That’s literally how it works. It pulls information from across the digital universe, blends it together, and delivers a response that sits squarely in the middle of the road. For basic tasks? Sure, it gets the job done. But for those of you looking to crush it in business? Average is not where you want to be.
Do you want your marketing content, your brand message, or your customer outreach to feel like everything else on the internet? I sure hope not. Exceptional businesses don’t just aim to “get it done.” They aim to inspire, provoke, and drive demand.
This is where experience, not tech, comes in.
The Power of Experience Over AI
Here’s the thing with using Chat GPT (or any AI, for that matter): it doesn’t know your audience, your market, or your brand as well as you—or an experienced professional—do.
When you hand your messaging, branding, or marketing over to an AI tool, you’re missing a crucial ingredient—nuance. Experienced entrepreneurs understand the small shifts in tone, structure, and delivery that make content stand out. They know how to read what resonates with their target market. Chat GPT can’t do that. It’s not built for intuition or connection. It’s designed to churn out functional filler.
If you’re just trying to check “create something” off your to-do list, great—use Chat GPT. But if you want your work to move people and make a statement, you need human expertise driving the ship.
Why Relying Solely on AI is a Long-Term Loss
Now don’t get me wrong—AI isn’t the devil. It has its place. But here’s the pattern I’m seeing (and I’ve been in this game long enough to see trends repeat themselves): people start using AI as a crutch. It breeds laziness. It removes the demand for excellence. People stop honing their craft, stop demanding better, and just start leaning on “good enough.”
And you know where “good enough” gets you in business? Nowhere.
The businesses that see long-term growth, dominate their competition, and build legendary brands don’t rely on good enough. They focus on exceptional. Chat GPT might make things easier in the short term, but long term? If you’re not consistently delivering high-value content, you’re just creating noise—and noise doesn’t lead to ROI.
Need proof? Look at the mess a brand like Bud Light got into when it prioritized short-term gimmicks over understanding its audience. The result? Billions in losses. If someone in the room had paused and said, “Is this the best move for our audience?” the fallout could have been avoided.
The takeaway? Having foresight—knowing what to do and just as importantly, what not to do—comes from experience, not algorithms.
When AI is Actually Useful (And When It’s Not)
Now, I’m not saying AI doesn’t have a role to play. It can be a fantastic tool for those just starting out, filling knowledge gaps, or handling basic, repetitive tasks. It helps when you’re in the early stages and don’t yet have the skills or resources to execute on your own. If you’re a beginner and need to learn the ropes or automate simple jobs, go for it—just know its limitations.
But as you move up the ladder, relying on AI becomes a crutch. If you truly care about your business, your brand, or your audience, you need to step up and deliver results that a machine simply can’t. Want content that cuts through the noise? Marketing campaigns that dominate engagement metrics? A brand message that sparks action? That’s where you need someone like me.
The Choice is Simple—Average or Exceptional?
Ultimately, the decision comes down to you. Do you want to just “get stuff done”? Use Chat GPT. Do you want to create exceptional work that pushes boundaries and defines your business? Then bring in the big guns.
I’ve spent over 20 years helping businesses just like yours meet goals, overcome hurdles, and create unforgettable messaging, marketing, and strategies. My work isn’t about taking the easy route; it’s about winning—consistently, strategically, and unapologetically.
✔ Need a marketing plan that inspires action? Check out my Marketing Strategy services.
✔ Struggling to carve out your unique voice? My Brand Development services will ensure you’re the standout in your industry.
✔ Want one-on-one growth advice from someone who knows how to make moves? I’m here to help with Growth Advisory services.
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This is only the beginning. If you’re tired of the same old advice repackaged 10 different ways, subscribe to my GI SAID IT Newsletter here. You’ll get real-deal insights on entrepreneurial growth, marketing dominance, and brand building—all without the fluff.
Because in business, it’s not about how fast you finish. It’s about how far you go—and that requires playing the long game.
Think you’re ready? Then stop settling for average. Start creating exceptional.
GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. GI SAID IT: Brutally honest, no BS. Click for more GI SAID IT shows and articles.
Saying that’s probably going to get ’em canceled. Ooh, I’m telling mama she don’t love you anyways, GI said it. Yeah, I said it. GI back again on GI said it where I break down my perspective on different topics. And today I wanted to break into when chat GPT is a loss. And the reason I wanted to bring that up is there’s so much enthusiasm for chat GPT, which new technology allows you to do more things, be more productive. That’s cool. But at the same time, I always go back to the, just because you can do something does not mean that you should. And the reason I’m saying that is my experience with chat, GBT loaded it up. Okay, let’s try a few prompts. Okay, let’s try this out. It does an okay job. It produces information or content in which case you can share and all that.
But having being an experienced individual in different industries, I have found that chat, GBT and other AI tools, what they do inherently from the way that they function is they produce the average right? Meaning that the middle road, in terms of all the information, the different perspectives, it’s always going to be the average. And business wise, I don’t want my content or my things to be average. I want them to be above average or exceptional or wonderful. So what I’ve noticed is that as I go in and I’m trying to do particular tasks, it does them. It does it. But at the same time, because of my experience in those areas, I just see that it’s not quite there. It is not making a big enough impact or making something different enough to the point where it’s going to be able to gain the attention of the masses.
And you already know me. That’s one of my main particular things is that I’d like to be able to gain that attention for whatever that specific topic or content or business is. That comes from my business and marketing background. I always want that business or my client to be able to stand out. So with Chad, GBT, it allows you to work faster, but that does not mean that it’s better. So I think it’s about your goal. If your goal is just to get the thing done and move out of the way, and I translate that as you don’t really care about that, then yeah, go for it. Go chat, GPT. Go crazy. But if you’re trying to stand out from people, you’re going to have to do something that it will not. And that is where experience comes in. Because when we have enough experience in a particular area, you don’t necessarily need to use that thing.
And that’s what I found. I found that myself, I can produce much better results by just doing it myself rather than actually using the technology. Now where it comes into where a lot of people are excited and trying to use it, and this is my own perspective, is mainly for people who do not have the experience or the skills in that area to be able to do it. But again, I said earlier, just because you can does not mean that you should. So it’s allowing people who don’t have the in multiple areas to be able to perform a task or a position or a job. Now, if you just want them to do the job, hey, okay, that works out If you want them to do a great job for your company, that may not be the best tactic. My personal perspective is that you should put people in the position who are experienced in that position, not because they just execute the task.
The whole point of experience is that you are able to understand of certain pitfalls or problems that may come up or a perspective that will push your company ahead. So when it comes to using that technology or other AI technologies, I think it really depends on the application. Again, if it’s for, say, people who are just starting out their careers or they’ve never done that work before, it allow them to move forward and be able to actually do some tasks. But again, it does not mean that it’s going to be better. So I think that it’s a matter of what you’re looking for within your business or your organization. Are you just looking for the work to get done from anyone that could work or are you looking to win? And I think it’s just a matter of how much you value your business and how you’re looking at it.
I have found that people who don’t have much experience in business are much more open to it, possibly because they don’t necessarily see the value of having exceptional content or work. They may not have experienced that. And part of that has to do with is your livelihood attached to it? If your livelihood has never been attached to that work, you’re not going to be aware of that value, right? Because you never had the loss. You’ve never been, oh man, how am I going to pay the bills this week? Oh man, the business is doing this. How are we going to do for that? How are we going to survive? How is my team and my staff going to be able to feed their family? So I found that it’s a lack of experience that usually dictates whether a person would be super excited about that particular technology.
Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m hating on chat GBT. What it does mean is that I’ve seen from technology is that it makes people a lot more lazy because they have technology to do it for them. Now, that might be a win short term, but long-term, very rarely a win. And they’ll hop to the next technology, next technology. And I’ve used that within my own business. It allowed me to run my different businesses and not necessarily have the staff there that was experienced. But again, my experience within that is that it didn’t produce always the best results. And sometimes I wish that I did have an expert there to execute that for me. So I think it’s about application. I think it’s about your mindset and your perspective on how you want to run your business. Do you want it to be the best that it possibly can be?
Okay, get someone who’s experiencing that, get someone who can be the best, or are we just trying to get some stuff out there so we can move on to the next thing? And marketing wise and business wise, I would suggest that because you’re not going to last that long. That’s the other thing that a lot of people aren’t aware of. They thinking of the short term win. And anyone who has experiences is looking at that like, man, that’s a long-term loss. You’re cool now, but long-term, that’s not going to make sense. And you saw that within today of Bud Light, right? They wanted the quick win, let’s do some inclusion, let’s do this, let’s do that. But they totally disregarded their actual audience, their customers. You have to think, is this what we should do? Remember I said it two times before, just because you can do something does not mean that you should.
And that’s where the experience comes in knowing what to do and what not to do. That is the big one because those are where the liabilities lie. Knowing, hey, I shouldn’t do this particular thing because it may cost us billions. It amazed me that no one said, Hey, within the customers that we have, this might not be a good idea. And I don’t really care one way or another in terms of that cultural perspective. I don’t care. What I am focused on is the job at hand and their job is to produce profits. Again, realities of business. So it goes back to are you just trying to get work done? Are you trying to have the best work you can based on experience? So if you guys want to go ahead and weigh in here, feel free, leave it in the comment section or hit me up on my website, gi griffin.com and let me know in terms of your own feelings about it, I’m curious to see is it more so hey, it allows us to do a lot of things or is it, hey, this might replace my job.
Or is it, hey, this is having a longer lasting impact on people to where they’re no longer able to actually execute those tasks or those skills because technology is doing it for them. So GI here on GI Set, you guys know I had to hop into it and we’ll see how it turns out. I’m not quite sure yet. I want to see where people take it. But just my own perspective, I noticed that if there’s money involved, people are just going to chase the money regardless of if it hurts. But that’s a lack of foresight. And again, we’ve broken into this before of followers versus leaders. Leaders are going to be looking towards the future of that, making sure the success of their company and their staff moving forward. Followers not necessarily. So it’s oftentimes about them and it’s about the short term. So which one are you? I don’t know. Let me know if you guys use chat, GBT, what you feel about it. All right, GI here on gi, set it GI griffin.com. I’m out.

GI is a growth advisor, show host, and author whose experience expands across multiple industries including the music industry, marketing and branding, and tech. This diverse experience has shaped his perspective on various topics in which he delivers in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, with no BS.