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GI’s unique perspective delivered in a style that is unapologetically honest, straight to the point, and at times a bit brutal. Brutally honest, no BS.

People often talk about the balance of nature; delicate ecosystems, energy and nutrient flow, and life or reproductive cycles. But I also see it as much more than that. It’s an intricate balancing act juggling abundance and scarcity. A constantly swinging pendulum of life, one...

I remember the days where honor, respect, and service were the seam to our moral and social fabric. When love and loyalty guided relationships and family, and courage and bravery guided our men. What do we have now? Polyamorous relationships, entitlement, and OnlyFans. Literally none...

In a world where there are ever more demands on our time and the pace is starting to feel like a toddler jacked up on 5 energy drinks, now more than ever is it crucial that you efficiently manage your time. Trying to remember everything...

Ah, the age old how does the INTJ robot show love? “They don’t have feelings, they can’t show love.” Well, being an INTJ myself, I know this is further from the truth. Let’s take a look at how this Spock adjacent INTJ personality type prefers...

I’m going to tell you a secret. As a person who has been in business for 20+ years, I hate business. Not because I don’t like doing it; I actually have a knack for it and enjoy doing the work. I hate business because of...

Let’s just be real about something here, business is not about what you want. It doesn’t care about your pains, dreams, your struggles, or your short comings. People get into business for many different reasons. Some want wealth, some want the challenge, and some want...

You know what I’m talking about when I say today’s world is all about ME ME ME. Individualism has spawned an outlook where everything needs to be all about one’s self because you “have the right to do what I want”, right? People throwing others...

Look, let’s not beat around the berry bush. The sum of causes for the situation we’re in can be boiled down to 3 attributing factors… 1. People are more selfish than ever. 2. Money matters more than anything else to a significant portion of the...

Let’s not front, people are quietly starting to lose their sh-t. And I don’t blame them, the news ain’t great. The earth is getting hotter by the day, oceans warming with record temperatures, polar ice caps melting, and to top it off, everything is on...

It’s like someone tripped and fell and hit the abort button on society. It’s like people are becoming aware of the true nature of their situation. It’s like all the inequality, political bickering, economic struggles, and hard hitting climate realities are taking its toll all...

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